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さて、清水建設ブルーシャークス(以下『ブルーシャークス』)、及びシャークスと外国人選手派遣業務委託契約をしております一般社団法人Tokyo Athletic United(以下『TAU』)は、ブルーシャークスでプレーをしておりましたニコラス・クラスカ選手(契約解除済)に関しまして、同選手からSNS等を通じて、TAU、及び関係する個人に対する中傷するような内容の主張が展開されていることを確認しました。
一般社団法人Tokyo Athletic United
To whom it may concern
We trust this statement finds you well and wish to thank you for your supports.
SHIMIZU Blue Sharks (here in after “BLUE SHARKS”) and General Incorporated Association Tokyo Athletic United (here in after “TAU”), engaging the service agreement for dispatching foreign players with BLUE SHARKS recognize that Mr. Nicolas Kraska who used to play as the member of BLUE SHARKS, whose contract has been canceled is making defamatory statements online regarding to TAU and related individual of BLUE SHARKS’s and TAU’s.
According to our internal investigations such as the interview from related people and confirmation of related documents, the payment slips and so on, we have concluded that there are not such kinds of violations of the contract nor facts which conform to what Mr Kraska is insisting.
BLUE SHARKS and TAU together are considering an option to take the strong legal actions against Mr Kraska in principal countries including France and Japan.
Thank you.
General Incorporated Association Tokyo Athletic United